Gear Pump


Contacting Authority: ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS S.P.A.
Countries of implementation: ITALY, GERMANY
Macro-Project Framework: LIFE TIRE2TIRECYCLE [ ID No.: LIFE ENV/IT/000496 ]
Proposal Submission Deadline: 11/01/2022 – h.06:00

The procurement is related to the Project “LIFE TIRE2TIRECYCLE”, which is co-financed by the European Union LIFE Programme, Grant Agreement LIFE ENV/IT/000496. More detailed info in General Procurement Notice.

This notice aims at reducing time limits for receipt of tenders: interested operators must inform the contracting authority of their interest in the contract, as the contract will be awarded without publication of a further call for competition. Access to the procurement documents is restricted, additional information can be obtained by contacting the main email address ( Tenders must be submitted to the abovementioned address; proposals shall be submitted in English or Italian no later than 11/01/2022.

Scope of the procurement is the realization of Components for the Gear Pump and Screw Feeder. The unit must be able to work continuously with unheated rubber, in various shapes of strips and/or chunks, filtering scorches and impurities. The unit is fitly dimensioned to sustain a capacity rate of 5,000 kg/h; the output shall be a seamless rubber strip.

The only currency accepted for tendering and the subsequent contract is EUR, all payments will be in EUR.

The scope of procurement ultimately shall be installed in a manufacturing plant in Germany. In order to allow the operations necessary to integrate and complete the overall implementation of the machineries for action B3, the delivery of the scope of supply will be at Electronic Systems premises in Momo, Novara, Italy.

Price is not the only award criterion. Quality requirements are strict and weighted accordingly; also, proved experience in the application field (or relatable application) is of high importance during evaluation, which will be carried out by the Contracting Authority project management unit.

Award criteria:

a) Specific experience of the Contractor related to the assignment [30 points]
b) Adequacy of the proposed tender, workplan and post-assistance [30 points]
c) Qualification and competence of the key staff [ 5 points]
d) Cost effectiveness in relation to the scope of procurement [15 points]

Total: 80 points

The minimum technical score required to pass is 45 points.

This contract is not divided into lots and it is not subject to renewal. This contract will conclude its validity after the successful completion of the scope of procurement by fulfilling all the requirements described in the detailed scope description.

Confidentiality: to protect the high level of innovation and the proprietary design of the machineries in the process, the contractor agrees with the obligation to sign an NDA with, and drafted by, Electronic Systems.

Detailed description of the procurement:

The Components for the Gear Pump and Screw Feeder compose an all-in-one rugged constructed machine that must be capable to process continuously unheated rubber, which may come in different shapes: extruded strips and/or chunks from stored compounds (i.e.: treads, slabs, batch-off sheets). The Gear Pump machine includes the Screw Feeder unit, which enables the continuous and stable feeding of the assembly and creates a pre-compression chamber in the pump inlet area. The intake of the machine could be equipped with an automated dosing system in order to charge additives in the rubber bank, which may come in different formats: powder, pellets and pre-dispersed rubber wands. The machine must incorporate a straining head to filter the rubber compound from scorches, extraneous materials and other impurities; the screen change is operated manually only when the unit is stopped. The machine design must be suitable for completely hands-off operations. All parts of the Components for the Gear Pump and Screw Feeder must be dimensioned fitly to withstand the pressure and the wear caused by the rubber in a continuous operations manufacturing environment: a minimum capacity rate of 5,000 kg/h shall be accepted. The output shall be a seamless rubber strip, of variable dimensions according to the removable die.

The Components for the Gear Pump and Screw Feeder compose a machine that must be provided with safety covers, electric locks on doors (if necessary) and light barriers to prevent the operators from entering or reaching possibly dangerous area, adopting the necessary Health and Safety requirements appointed in the latest EU Machinery Directive.

Screw Feeder: the unit is composed by a conical conveyor screw (initial Ø=400mm) and a high-resistant steel tapered housing. The screw is specifically designed to secure high grip on the fed rubber chunks (up to 100x100x250mm), or strips, and to provide a stable feeding through the unit; the housing is designed to channel the flow creating a pre-compression chamber at the junction with the Gear Pump. The inlet of the Screw Feeder must be designed to avoid the formation of rubber obstructions that may choke or disrupt the subsequent flow. For maintenance only, the unit shall be detachable from the Gear Pump machine and manually moveable, in full safety, along rails on the floor, whilst during operations the unit functionality must be completely hands-off.

Gear Pump: the unit is composed by the pump body and the straining head, both macro-parts have grids of deep borings to ensure water circulation for optimum-distributed temperature control zones. The pump body is made of hard nitriding steel as for the rotors and main gears; there must not be bearings between the stands and the rotating parts. Bushes must be machined from hard alloy steel with engraved helical channels to self-lubricate with rubber. The main gears have dimension Ø=180x400mm and their tooth must be designed with double helical profile to maximise the smoothness of the rubber engagement. Both gears and rotors have deep borings for forced water temperature control. The straining head is composed of two halves hosting a large breaker plate (Ø430mm), one half is fixed whilst the other is openable for screen change and maintenance; different mesh sieves might be placed according to different compound requirements. During extruding operations, the two halves are firmly locked by way of broad C-clamps, actuated hydraulically. The internal architecture of the straining head must be designed to optimise and uniform the distribution of the rubber onto the filtering surface; both parts feature circular channels for a diffused forced-water temperature control. The profile of the output rubber strip shall be determined by a die-plate that must be removable.

Electronic Systems had planned, designed and drawn all the particulars that compose the Components for the Gear Pump and Screw Feeder.
Implementation period should be in five months since awarding the contract. In the adverse event where quality and/or time-based requirements have not been reached, penalties might apply to the Contractor.

This notice is published as official Contract Notice on TED portal ( and C.A.’S dedicated section website (

Interested eligible bidder who wish to be included in the tendering procedure shall check carefully the Specific Procurement Notices to self-assess the compatibility with the required services, prepare the proposal and send it through the contact form or the address below.


LIFE-Project Management Unit / Attn. Marcora Michele
S.R. 229 KM 12,2 – 28015 MOMO (NOVARA) – ITALY
Tel: (+39) 0321-928-210 / E-mail:

Posted online: 26/11/2021

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